Saturday, May 31, 2014


Just after my mother-in-law passed, a dear friend shared her heartache over a prodigal son.  That led me to pray for him day after day.  Then one day, the Lord showed me that when we pray for those we love, according to His will, we can have hope that He will answer our prayer.  But sometimes we have to wait and wait for the answer to come.  As we leave our child in His hands, we can rest in the hope that one day He will answer.  That day this poem emerged…

Hope looks beyond what we can see
And believes that the time will come
When the Lord will do what He’s promised to do,
And HIS perfect will shall be done.

It knows we’ll have everything we ask,
When we ask it in Jesus’ name.
But we can’t limit God to the time we have set,
Because our time and His aren’t the same.

So we wait and wait for His answer,
Until it seems we can’t wait anymore.
But hope is never impatient,
For it knows God has great things in store!

Even when things seem hopeless,
When we feel that He’s not heard our cry,
Hope reminds us His promises are true,
And His answer is very close by.

Hope brightens our outlook when all seems lost;
It gives us more peace when we pray.
It says, “Persevere, child, and don’t give up,
For God hears every word that you say.”

Our hope comes in knowing He hears us,
That He loves and cares for us all.
He just knows everything else that must take place first,
Before He answers our call.

Lisa Marea Hare Wimberly

September 8, 2011

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sometimes You Have to Say No...

Each morning, before I would go to the hospital to see Mama Bernice, I would pray for her healing.  That’s the normal and logical thing to do.  But one morning, the Lord spoke to my heart and showed me (yet again) that His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts.  What He said to me was pretty profound… and convicting.  Even though He wants us to be honest and bare our hearts to Him, He still has the last word.  He sees the Big Picture, while we see (and feel) what’s right in front of us.  He just wants us to trust Him and believe that His way is best, even when we don’t understand.  When we trust Him is when He gives us His peace.  And when we “let go,” we are free to receive His blessings.
The Lord gave me this poem that morning…

Sometimes You Have to Say No
When we come to You each day in prayer,
There is something we need to know:
Though we ask and believe with all our hearts,
Sometimes You have to say “no.”

It doesn't mean we’re not believing
Or we’re doubting what You can do.
It just means You see the “big picture”
Of what we are going through.

If we believe You’re all-powerful
And do miracles every day,
Then we have to believe You’re all-knowing
And trust You to show us YOUR way.

We may think that You’re not listening
To us as we desperately pray,
Or the faith that we have is just not enough
For You to answer OUR way.

It doesn't mean You don’t love us
Or that You don’t care what we’re going through.
It just means that You have a better plan
Than the plan that we've given to You.

Lord, help us to understand You
When You choose to tell us “no.”
And help us to trust that Your way is best,
Because from this Your blessings will flow.

Lisa Marea Hare Wimberly

August 9, 2011

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Adam and Eve...

As I was reading in the book of Genesis recently, I made an interesting discovery that I had missed in the past.  In Genesis 2:15-16, it says that when God put Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, He told them that “of every tree of the garden” they could freely eat, except for the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” This I knew, along with anybody else who has read the beginning of Genesis.  What I noticed this time, however, was that they were also allowed to eat of the “tree of life,” but neither one seemed to have any interest in it.   They chose disobedience to God, which they knew would result in death, over obeying God, with the guarantee of living forever.  In fact, the main reason God drove Adam and Eve out of the       garden was so that they would not have the ability to also eat of the tree of life (3:22).

We are no different today.  We knowingly choose what we know deep down inside is not good for us.  We choose to succumb to temptation, only this time we can’t see the “serpent.”  Then we make excuses and blame other people or our circumstances, which is part of the enemy’s ploy.  Satan still deceives today, just as he did in the garden of Eden.

I started to be taken in by Satan’s deception by something that happened at our business recently.  It was affecting me emotionally, when I am usually pretty upbeat.  Praise God that I have a husband who, unlike Adam’s “helpmate,” turned my eyes back to the Lord, not to the flesh! He told me that even though we are living a life of obedience to God in our business, Satan is trying to get in there and stir things up!  I am grateful that I have His Word to remind me that what was true back then is still true now. God never changes (James 1:17).  As long as I am in His Word (the “tree of life”) daily, I have a constant reminder of that fact, and I have a way to get through the valleys that come into my life… one by one.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

When You're Feeling Weary...

During that August in 2011, Mark and I went to the hospital every day to see Mama Bernice.  There were always at least 6-12 family members present whenever we were there–from at least 4 different states.  We supported one another and talked about what we would do if Mama was able to leave the hospital and go into a nursing home.  But talking about this was also very sad, because we knew that things would never be the same.  I found myself crying every day while I was there.

One day, while I was still at home, the Lord gave me this poem.  I felt so weary; my strength would leave me, because of the sadness and stress.  He reminded me that He was my strength and that He would get us through this. The insights He gave me while I wrote this poem were astounding!   For anyone going through a similar situation, this poem is for you…

When You’re Feeling Weary
When you’re feeling weary and just can’t go on,
When you feel like you’re ready to fall,
Just remember Whose road that you’re traveling on,
And it’s really not yours, after all.

It’s a path that God has prepared for you,
With His Truth to light up the way.
Our lamp is His Word, and it gives us hope
To make it through yet one more day.

Each step He will guide if you listen to Him
With His still, small voice breaking through.
He will clearly direct you which way to turn;
He’ll make known what He wants you to do.

You can go around obstacles, holding His hand,
Even ones that the enemy brings.
With His powerful love He’ll protect you,
And He’ll shelter you under His wings.

If you call upon Jesus and hold onto Him,
His Presence will carry you through.
He will give you the strength that you need to go on
On this path that He’s chosen for you.

Lisa Marea Hare Wimberly
Written August 9, 2011

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Why do we pray for healing? Is it so we can get back to our normal routine? Do we ever consider that God might have a higher purpose for what we are going through physically? Wouldn’t it be amazing to look at what we go through physically from His perspective? If we are indeed God’s children, and we want Him to have control of our lives, isn’t it then up to Him what He takes us through in order to bring about His perfect will? Jesus followed God’s will, even though it took Him to the cross. But look at what we have gained through Jesus’ death on the cross…

Monday, May 26, 2014

God's Promises

When I think about that August in 2011, I can’t help but feel like Elisha after Elijah was taken away into heaven.  Even though I so missed being able to have those rich, lively conversations with Mama Bernice, it was as if in her silence while in the hospital, she imparted to me a double portion of what God had given to her.  She had such a heart for writing poetry, but it seems that poetry has come to me more quickly and easily than it did to her.  And I have more than doubled the number of poems she wrote (at least, that we know of).  Still, she was my inspiration in everything I wrote during the days she was in the hospital.

“God’s Promises” was given to me as a reminder that the only way to get through that “dark night” was to hold onto Him and His promises.  If you have been going through a tough situation, I hope that this poem will speak to you.

God’s Promises
When you are sad or in despair,
When it seems there’s no hope in sight,
Remember God said He would always be there
To watch over you day and night.

“I’ll never leave you nor forsake you”
Were the words that came from His heart.
And by faith we know that His words are true
And that nothing could make Him depart.

He said if we cleave to Him in love,
He would deliver us and He’d protect us.
Through trouble and danger we would rise above,
As we trust in Him to direct us.

He said if we would keep our eyes on Him,
He would keep us in perfect peace.
And that if we confess to Him our sin,
Our bondage to sin would cease.

When the way is hard and we can’t go on,
He is there every step of the way.
He won’t let us walk through this world alone;
By our side He will always stay.

He has told us on Him we should cast our cares,
For He cares for us more than we know.
And when our burdens are more than we can bear,
He has promised to lighten our load.

We’ll hold on to His Word through this dark, dark night,
And on His promises we will stand.
We will walk by faith and not by sight
As we cling to His almighty hand.

Lisa Marea Hare Wimberly
Written August 3, 2011

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Picture a 1000-piece puzzle before it’s assembled, but without a picture on the box.  The first thing you do is put the outside pieces together.  That’s your foundation, so to speak.  As you begin to fit the inside pieces together, you find yourself making little “clusters” of pieces that fit together perfectly.  They become small pictures within the big picture, but it is still not clear what the whole picture looks like.  By looking at the clusters, you might be able to guess how the finished product will look… or you might not.
When we read the Word of God, I’m guessing that more times than not, we read many of the same passages over and over through the years, but neglect reading the whole Bible.  We get in our minds a picture of who God is, but we don’t necessarily see ALL of His attributes or, in other words, the WHOLE picture.  The passages that we read are like the little “clusters” that we find in the puzzle.  We use those clusters when we talk about the Lord.  Each cluster shows us some of His attributes, but we don’t really get a true picture of WHO GOD IS.  We need to put ALL of the pieces together to really understand.
God wants those of us who know Him to share what we know with those who need to hear.  But it doesn't stop there.  If we really love Him, then we should do everything we can to get to know Him better, including reading the Bible from beginning to end, day after day.  Only then will we be able to present Him more accurately to the world.
For the first 38 years of my walk with the Lord, I read the Bible… but not every day.  I could tell you a lot about Jesus, after reading the New Testament over numerous times.  But during that time, I never read the Word from beginning to end.  Then, 2 years ago, I started that journey.  It was amazing what I learned about God that I never knew before!  I not only read, but felt more than ever, the amazing love our God has toward us!  And I began to understand why so many of His people in the Old Testament had to die because of their disobedience, even though He loved them with an everlasting love.  It took me about a year-and-a-half to get through it all, reading every single day.  And I will continue on as I have started, because I know what it’s done for my life.
It takes time and effort to fit pieces of a puzzle together, but in the end you’re left with the beautiful picture it has created.  So it is with reading God’s Word, but you don’t have to wait until the end to see in a better light who God is.  Every day that you read, He will reveal more and more of Himself to you.  What might start as an effort, will eventually become pure joy…

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Remembering Mama Bernice...

As I said yesterday, my inspiration for drawing closer to the Lord came from my husband’s mom, Bernice Wilson Wimberly.  She and I would have lively discussions about scripture–she knew the Bible so well!  In fact, when she and I were in the middle of one of our discussions (even if it was in a restaurant), we would hardly acknowledge that anyone else was there. Nobody seemed to mind, though.

Most of the last 2 weeks of her life were spent in the hospital in a coma. I felt so connected to her that the only way I could really get through this time was to write poetry about her and about what our family was going through.

This poem was written 10 days before her passing…

Remembering Mama Bernice
In Holly Springs, Mississippi,
A baby girl arrived.
The firstborn of two sisters,
So glad to be alive!

She grew to be a woman
And soon became a wife.
Along came five small children,
Who were the joy of her life!

She taught them about Jesus,
To love and respect His Word.
And through her prayers and teaching,
They came to know the Lord.

A student of the scriptures,
Well-versed in all she read.
She loved to share what she had learned
And all that Jesus said.

Her memory for scripture
Could rival any pastor.
She could quote the chapter and the verse
If anybody asked her.

She had the sweetest temperament;
Her laughter made you smile.
When one would imitate her voice
We’d laugh for quite awhile!

She loved to sew and do her crafts
And occasionally did mending.
To make things for her family
Would give her joy unending.

She loved her crossword puzzles, too,
She’d do them every day.
They challenged her to use her mind
In an entertaining way.

Her poetry blessed those she knew,
The verses set in rhyme.
She spoke of what was dear to her heart
Each and every time.

Music was something she dearly loved;
Joy it would always bring.
The song, “Because of Who You Are”
Was what she loved most to sing.

She sang with her sister and family
Hymns from the ”good ol’ days,”
And she’d worship the Lord with her whole heart
As she sang the songs of praise.

And, oh, how she loved her family!
She’d do anything for each one!
Unconditional love which I witnessed
As I found this same love in her son.

I know that she was my mother-in-law
But more like my mama was she.
I loved her as if she were my own blood,
And she felt the same way about me.

About this dear, sweet lady
I could just go on and on.
And though we’ll nevermore see her here,
She’ll never be really gone.

She will be with her Lord and Savior,
Whom she waited her whole life to see.
He will say, “Enter in, precious daughter.
You have served me so faithfully.”

Each day as I think about Mama
And how much she has meant to me,
I’ll remember that one day we’ll meet again
Where we’ll live for eternity!

Lisa Marea Hare Wimberly  
Written August 7, 2011

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Beginning of the Journey...

I have created this blog as a means of sharing the thought-provoking  poems that the Lord has been giving me over the past few years…  Some of these poems have been published in my book called, My Heart Makes Its Home in a Faraway Land, that came out in March of 2014 (which is available through, and  I will be including some of them here, because I feel a constant urgency for as many as possible to read and hear what, I feel, comes from the heart of God. The Day is drawing near, and so many need to wake up to the fact that the Lord is coming back soon.  We don’t know when He will return for His own, but He has called me to do my part in sharing His love and His Word with those who will hear…
This part of my spiritual journey began as my mother-in-law lay in the hospital in Elkhart, Indiana… just days before going home to meet her Lord Jesus, whom she had been serving for over 60 years of her life.  Even though I knew her for only four short years, during that time she inspired a longing in me to know my Lord better and to draw closer to Him.  As a result, my Father in heaven began pouring into me words that became poems and songs…
Although the following is not the first of those poems, it is probably my most favorite, because I identify with it more than with any of the others.   I hope you will go with me on my journey to the end…

My Heart Makes its Home in a Faraway Land
My heart makes its home in a faraway land,
Not seen with the human eye.
I enter that place when I start to pray,
Where my Lord is so very close by.

He takes me out of this present world
And fills my heart with peace.
He takes me to places beyond the clouds
Where my cares and my worries must cease.

I can bring to this land everyone that I love,
As I lift them to Him in prayer.
I know that He’ll touch all those precious to me,
For the answers are always found there.

Sometimes I just want to stay in this land,
Where God’s presence is so real to me.
But He wants me to go tell this world that He loves
That in Him they can also be free.

He says I can come anytime to this place,
For He waits for me night and day.
And He says I can stay for as long as I want,
When I open my heart and pray.

My heart finds its rest in this faraway land,
This place that is truly my home.
When I go through the pain that the world has to give,
He reminds me I’m never alone.

Lisa Marea Hare Wimberly

Written January 2, 2012